Making reintegration work

With a reintegration policy you bring back sick employees to work sooner. Mensura helps you to develop a policy, to support specific reintegration routes and prevent the fade-out of long-term sick employees by keeping in touch.


Total absenteeism has never been so high. Absenteeism among employees in Belgium is increasing rapidly.

  • In our country, more than 1 in 10 employees is absent long-term.
  • The rising number of long-term sick people continues steadily everywhere, among young and old, men and women.

Long-term or permanent?

You are probably aware: The longer employees are absent due to long-term illness, the less likely they are to return. You can counteract the fade-out process by actively keeping in touch with your absent employees and thus lowering the return threshold.

Supporting the return-to-work process

A phased resumption of work, a discussion of the resumption process, listening to personal concerns ... A well-supported reintegration significantly increases the chances of a successful return to work.

Mensura will advise you

Long-term incapacity for work is best handled in a structured and humane way. The following steps are essential in this regard:

  • Map long-term absences: overview brings insight.
  • Involve all stakeholders in your reintegration policy: the CPBW, the works council, the occupational physician, management and supervisors, etc.
  • Communicate clearly and in a timely manner with absent staff. Research shows that employees who are absent for long periods of time quickly drop out mentally. Keeping in touch helps to avoid fade-out.
  • Motivate your employees, keep them engaged and vital. You will notice that they are better and more employable.



Mensura helps you to draw up a reintegration policy so that employees who have been absent for a long time can be reintegrated sooner. Together with you and the company doctor, our experts work out a solution tailored to your specific situation.

  • A well-developed policy to reactivate employees after long-term illness.
  • Optimal availability of your employees, their knowledge and experience.
  • Reduction of direct and indirect costs related to long-term absenteeism.

Be inspired

Mensura can help you

Return calls
A growing number of workers are on long-term sickness absence. Compared to ten years ago, this number has increased by 65%. Increased stress levels and an ageing population are the main reasons behind this worrying trend. The longer the period of absence, the greater the risk that the employee will slowly fall off the radar and not return to work at all. To accurately describe this phenomenon, Mensura called it ‘fade-out’.