Collective reintegration policy: what is it and how do you handle this?

As an employer, you need to work on an effective reintegration policy at the collective level from now on. The purpose of this is to start thinking about the possibilities for other or adapted work. Questions that can be asked: how does your organisation deal with adapted work or progressive work resumption? Have the workstations that could help in drafting a policy been identified? And so on.

What is stipulated by law?

A well-designed collective reintegration policy benefits all stakeholders and engages them in its development.  

To make this possible:

  1. As an employer, provide the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work with annual anonymised results of reintegration plans and reports with findings. Include what steps have been taken to enable adapted work. The reasons why a plan could not be drawn up or was refused must also be addressed. 
  2. The occupational physician prepares an annual report on all aspects related to work resumption for the employer and the committee. This includes both qualitative and quantitative results. 
  3. Adapt the reintegration policy based on annual review (points 1 and 2).

More than mere reintegration

Not only must a collective reintegration policy be evaluated at least once a year and adjusted where necessary, but it may also be necessary to take action in other areas of well-being, such as psychosocial risksoccupational safety or ergonomics

So the law views collective reintegration policies from a very broad perspective. It is considers prevention, promoting healthy working conditions and safety at work, increasing employability, good absenteeism prevention and counselling, promoting permanent or temporary adapted work and well-being at work. 

In other words, a collective reintegration policy encompasses much more than mere reintegration and contributes to improving overall welfare.

Where do you start? Familiarise yourself with the project plan

The legislation adopts the approach Mensura has been taking for several years. A collective reintegration policy does not stand alone, but builds on an overall absenteeism approach

As every organisation is unique, a collective reintegration policy requires customisation and the development of a specific policy. Mensura can guide and support your organisation throughout the entire process.

Our 360° approach to absenteeism starts with a project plan. Together with you, our consultants draw up a project plan that provides insight into the current situation, areas for improvement and the ROI of our approach. We then guide your organisation through five steps towards achieving a sustainable positive absenteeism policy. 

A nice win-win: you hold all the keys to keeping absenteeism to a minimum, while fully complying with the legal obligations of the collective reintegration policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about formulating your collective reintegration policy? We’ve put together a list of answers to the most frequently asked questions.