Person of trust - basic level

Provide support in case of conflict and psychosocial problems within your organization and receive your certificate.

Person of trust - basic level
  • Practical
  • 5 days (4 days in-class + 1 day online learning platform, incl. webinar of 1h)
  • €1,380.00 or 7.11 PU
  • French, English, Dutch
  • In-class, Tailor-made
  • In-depth
  • Certificate valid in Belgium
  • Paid educational leave, SME portfolio, Training cheques, Sector fund

The mental health of colleagues is increasingly under pressure. This basic training person of trust equips you with methods to handle conflicts within your organisation and other situations with a psychosocial risk.


As a confidential adviser, you are the point of contact for conflicts and mental issues at work. Examples here include stress, fear of failure, emotional issues, or boundary-crossing behaviour. Your listening ear and expertise make it easier for employees to ask for help. This basic training course provides you with the necessary skills to react appropriately in any situation.

The subject was dealt with very well, just like the preparations. There was sufficient scope for questions and discussion." Gracy Poelman Communications manager at SAS

What do you learn?

You obtain the practical knowledge to react and act correctly in mentally challenging situations in the workplace. The training course guides you through the legal framework and you develop skills to help you recognise emerging mental problems with colleagues more quickly.  The course is built up of modules around a number of themes spread over different sessions.

Legislation and policy


  • The themes around which you will work as a confidential counsellor 
  • Video on psychosocial risks 
  • Information on psychosocial risk assessment 
  • Useful literature 


  • The legislative framework 
  • Psychosocial risks and risk sources 
  • The well-being policy 
  • Psychosocial consequences 
  • Homework assignment clarification 

Procedures and discussion techniques


  • Check to what extent your organisation complies with the legal obligations 
  • The informal and formal procedure 
  • Quiz: test your knowledge of the legislation 


  • Confidential counsellor in practice 
  • Procedures 
  • Discussion techniques 

Debriefings and interventions


  • Self-care: fill in the My Stress Coach and receive customised tips on stress and resilience 


  • Debriefings 
  • Psychosocial interventions 
  • Practical exercises 

Conflict management


  • Test how you deal with conflicts generally


  • Conflicts and mediation 
  • Practical exercises 

Suicide and suicide care, assignment presentation


  • Self-care exercise to gain insight into what is important for you 


  • Suicide 
  • Self-care 
  • Homework assignment 
  • Completion and assessment  

Anchoring what you have learnt

Via the Learn&Connect learning platform you gain access to a number of premises and situation sketches.

Homework assignment

At the end of the training course you complete a homework assignment. In this way you establish the link between the training and concrete situations in the workplace and you learn how to apply new skills in practice. At the same time you ensure that your organisation complies with the law. The homework assignment is evaluated, but there is no exam.

This course is part of our Impact-offer


Broaden your view and prepare for a new role. A mix of learning methods helps you acquire in-depth knowledge you can apply immediately. The learning paths are often spread over several days.

Need more information on Impact >


The basic training gives you the skills to react correctly to various psychosocial risks in the workplace. You develop skills to help you recognise emerging mental problems with colleagues more quickly. If you pass your homework assignment, you will receive the certificate that is valid in Belgium. In concrete terms as a confidential counsellor you can:

  • Recognise psychosocial risks and risk sources and propose appropriate prevention measures;
  • Apply discussion techniques in practice;
  • Adopt a neutral position and structure the (intake) interview;
  • Facilitate a reconciliatory conversation and stimulate connecting communication;
  • Apply resilience tips to yourself.
Annual supervision for confidential counsellors

To keep your knowledge and skills up to date it is recommended that you follow an annual supervision for confidential counsellors. Moreover, an annual refresher course where you share your experiences with one another is required by law.

During a supervision you talk with fellow confidential counsellors about your experiences, under the supervision of an expert.

Want to know more about the supervision for confidential counsellors >

You learn lots of new things. The course is a great combination of practice and theory." Vera Belderbos Human Resources Manager at Vollers Group

For whom?

Anyone can follow the confidential counsellor course, on the condition that you do not have one of these roles:

  • Employer;
  • Representative of employer on the Works Council or the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work;
  • Occupational doctor;
  • Candidate for the employee representatives elections;
  • Union representative;
  • Manager, with the exception of middle management.

What does the law say?

As a confidential adviser, you must undergo basic training. You will thus acquire the necessary skills to respond appropriately to various psychosocial risks at work. Annual refresher courses are also required by law.

The Federal Council of Ministers approved a new legislative proposal requiring organisations with 50 or more employees to appoint a confidential adviser. That proposal has yet to pass the Council of State for its opinion before taking effect.

In addition to an internal confidential adviser, organisations may also employ external confidential advisers. The latter may not be a staff member.

Mensura is listed by the Federal Public Service on Employment, Labour, and Social Dialogue (FPS ELSD) as a training institution for the confidential adviser basic training.

More info >


The prices depends on how you follow the training
Digital training materials are included in the price. 

If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.

Subsidies and financing options

We qualify for all kinds of subsidies and financing options because we are certified by many government agencies and sector funds.

      • SME portfolio: Use these certification numbers in your application:
        • members of Mensura External Department for Prevention and Protection: Mensura EDPB - DV.O105072
        • non-members: Mensura CONSULT - DV.O101943
      • Training cheques - Wallonia
      • Sector fund
        • Alimento
        • Constructiv
        • Co-valent
      • Paid educational leave / Flemish educational leave
      You are given lots of practical exercises during the course. That made the role playing really useful." Sarah Salomein Accountmanager at Paragon Customer Communications Belgium

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Do I have to complete an assignment or take an exam for this course?

      Yes, you prepare for each module. In the final session you present a concluding homework assignment.

      Do I receive a certificate after following this course?

      Yes, after participating in the complete training course and completing the homework assignment you receive a certificate that is valid in the whole of Belgium. After +/- 20 working days, all obtained certificates will appear on your MyMensura customer portal. You can download the certificate there. Certificates are not sent by e-mail.

      What are the admission requirements for this course?

      Anyone can follow the confidential counsellor course, on the condition that you do not have one of these roles:

      • Representative of employer or employees on the Works Council or the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work;

      • Prevention advisor-occupational doctor;

      • Candidate for the employee representatives elections;

      • Union representative;

      • Manager, with the exception of middle management.

      Who can take this course?

      Everyone can take the confidential counsellor course except for people with the following jobs within the organisation:

      • Employer representative or employees on the Works Council or the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work;
      • Prevention adviser-occupational physician;
      • Candidate for the employee representatives elections;
      • Union representative;
      • Manager, except for middle management.

      Is an annual refresher course mandatory?

      Yes. The law requires an annual refresher course. You can find more information here.

      Is the appointment of a confidential adviser mandatory?

      For organisations with fewer than 50 employees, the appointment of a confidential adviser is not mandatory, but this is still strongly recommended. However, the law does state that they must also employ a confidential adviser if all members of the union delegation or – in the absence of a union delegation – all employees request it. 

      For organisations with 50 or more employees, the appointment of a confidential adviser is mandatory.

      More info >

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