Refresher training person of trust - supervision

Act as a mediator for conflict within your organisation and receive your certificate.

Refresher training person of trust - supervision
  • Practical
  • 3,5 hour
  • €336.00 or 1.73 PU
  • French, Dutch, English
  • In-class, Online, Tailor-made
  • Broadening
  • Certificate valid in Belgium
  • Paid educational leave, SME portfolio, Training cheques, Sector fund

As a confidential counsellor you often find yourself in difficult situations. An annual refresher course where you share your experiences with one another under the supervision of an expert ensures that you are better equipped. The law also states that as a confidential counsellor you must follow continuing education every year.


As a confidential counsellor you mediate in conflicts and are the first contact point for colleagues with mental problems. 

During an annual supervision you share your experiences with other confidential counsellors. By learning from one another you expand your skills and can act with more confidence in conflict situations or when a colleague asks for help.  Moreover, as a confidential counsellor you are bound by law to attend continuing education at least once a year. After following continuing education you receive a valid continuing education certificate.

Prior knowledge required

This continuing education is specifically for confidential counsellors who want to refresh their knowledge. No experience yet, but you feel that becoming a confidential counsellor within your organisation is something for you?

Discover the training Confidential counsellor - basic level'.

What do you learn?

As a confidential counsellor it is often difficult to assess situations correctly. This course will help you with this. You share insights and methods to deal with risk moments with more confidence. You work with concrete cases of fellow confidential counsellors under the supervision of an expert.

This course is part of our Increase-offer


Increase your knowledge or get a refresher on a particular subject. In this way you strengthen your practical skills. The courses can be either digital or classroom-based.

Learn more about Increase >


You grow as a confidential counsellor. By exchanging tips and advice you improve your social skills and are better equipped to deal with difficult situations. On the successful completion of the continuing education you receive a certificate valid in Belgium.

For whom?

Confidential counsellors who want to refresh their expertise and share it with others. Do you need a continuing education certificate? This supervision is just what you are looking for.

What does the law say?

The law requires that as a confidential counsellor you must refresh your knowledge every year and exchange practical experience. Moreover, you need a valid certificate to demonstrate that you have followed continuing education.

Mensura is listed by the Federal Public Service on Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FOD WASO) as a training institution for the supervision of confidential counsellors.

More info >


The prices depends on how you follow the training
Digital training materials are included in the price.

If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.

Subsidies and financing options

We qualify for all kinds of subsidies and financing options because we are certified by many government agencies and sector funds.

      • SME portfolio: Use these certification numbers in your application:
        • members of Mensura External Department for Prevention and Protection: Mensura EDPB - DV.O105072
        • non-members: Mensura CONSULT - DV.O101943
      • Training cheques - Wallonia
      • Sector fund
        • Alimento
        • Constructiv
        • Co-valent
      • Paid educational leave / Flemish educational leave

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Do I receive a certificate after following this course?

      Yes, after participating in the complete training course and completing the homework assignment you receive a certificate that is valid in the whole of Belgium.

      What are the admission requirements for this course?

      This is a continuing education training, to participate you must first complete the course 'Confidential counsellor - basic level’

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