Mental well-being in organisations under stress: what can you do?
“We are still searching for a new balance at individual level, team level and organisational level,” says Koen Van Hulst.
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Update now!Burnout, stress, anxiety disorders,... are the supervisors and managers in your organisation able to detect psychological problems at an early stage? Can they start a conversation and make referrals for professional help? Leaders can learn to recognise early signs of mental stress and respond appropriately in order to prevent absence from work during a one day training session.
Mental health issues have a significant impact on an organisation. They disrupt the psychological well-being of the employees, they reduce productivity, and they can lead to absenteeism. Yet, only 1 in 3 companies provides the necessary help. Our expert, Bart Vriesacker, explains how you can provide maximum support to your employees with 'First Aid for Mental Health Issues':
The do’s and don’ts
of a confidential chat
Learn to recognise psychosocial risks early on and learn to initiate dialogue or to refer employees to professional help in order to prevent absenteeism.
for practical procedures
No organisation is immune to psychosocial problems. A structural, preventive approach establishes procedures which make sure everyone knows what can or should be done in case of emergency.
In one day, learn how you, as an HR staff member, a supervisor or a member of the management team, can detect mental health issues at an early stage.
The training is preceded by a short online introductory session. This introductory session is used to asses the knowledge and requirements of the participants.
During the training session itself, an expert will explain the causes and symptoms of specific psychological problems. The importance of procedures in laying down preventive scenarios and assigning responsibilities is also discussed. This is followed by practice: through simulations and role play situations, participants discover how to react appropriately.
After the training, we will consolidate the participants’ knowledge during two short online follow-up sessions.
“This excellent workshop – one of the better ones I’ve ever attended – is a must for executives and confidential advisors. Also all the participants I spoke to afterwards were very satisfied. Worth repeating!”
Bart Vanwonterghem – Prevention Advisor Province of Limburg
Read all the relevant articles on our blog.
“We are still searching for a new balance at individual level, team level and organisational level,” says Koen Van Hulst.
The Prenne 41 event took place on 7 March 2017. Gail Houbraken, workplace safety expert at Mensura, discusses First Aid Mental Health training.
2 out of 3 organisations don’t have a prevention plan for mental health issues. They acknowledge the problem but don’t address it structurally.
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