10 tips to prevent accidents caused by a fall

Slipping, tripping, missing a step, losing balance... A fall can happen quickly. In addition to sustaining sprains, bruises or fractures, the victim might have to take a short or longer leave of absence. By taking these precautionary measures you will minimise the risks of accidents caused by a fall for your employees or yourself.

A fall may be triggered by different factors. These include being distracted, moving (too) quickly, a wet or damaged floor, spilled products, ill-fitting shoes, loose cables, paper, boxes or rubbish left on the ground or insufficient lighting.

Conducting a risk analysis is also a priority in this respect. You need to identify and assess beforehand (or have it done by experts) situations presenting a risk of a fall on the ground floor. This inventory also includes accident registration and reports of unsafe situations. In a next step, adequate measures can be taken to prevent industrial accidents caused by a fall.

Avoid falls by following these 10 tips:

  1. Start by cleaning up if the workplace is not in order. Do not leave any materials lying around and remove all materials that are no longer needed or useful.
  2. Make sure the work floor is clean and tidy.
  3. Make sure there is adequate water drainage in places where there is a risk of excess moisture.
  4. Ensure that the work area is clean and tidy. Immediately clean up any spills..
  5. Use an automatic hose reel or hang cables on a hook provided for this purpose.
  6. Provide sufficient storage space for tools, maintenance materials, spare parts and parts.
  7. Ensure that damage in the floor is repaired.
  8. Provide sufficient and correct lighting.
  9. Do employees work at heights? Provide appropriate training.
  10. Check that the work and safety shoes are suitably anti-slip.

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Did you already carry out a risk analysis on safety?

You can call upon the assistance of Mensura experts to meet the legal requirements. After an in-depth risk assessment of safety issues (work equipment, task analysis, work stations, etc.) you will receive a clear document that describes all bottlenecks, indicating priority areas and solutions. The results of the risk analysis can easily be integrated into your overall prevention plan. Contact us through the form below.