A smoking cessation programme is a small investment, but one that could lead to huge health benefits for your employees. Your company will also benefit as general fitness and vitality levels improve and employees become healthier and more energetic, potentially leading to increased productivity at work.
Becoming smoke-free is a learning process. The workplace is an ideal setting because it is so accessible to smokers and makes it possible to organise group counselling sessions, so that employees do not have to undertake this journey on their own. If a participant is motivated to stop smoking, being part of a group will increase their chances of success. Employers can play an important role in this process by organising smoking cessation groups at work.
What do you learn?
- The basic programme comprises eight two-hour sessions, spread over fourteen weeks.
- Six follow-up sessions are available during the first year of stopping smoking. Scientific research shows that this increases participant’s chances of sticking to their new, smoke-free lifestyle.
- The group sessions will be held in your company, in one of Mensura’s offices or online.
- Each group has five to twelve participants.
- Practical arrangements concerning scheduling and location will be made two months before the group sessions commence.
- Mensura must be informed of the number of participants no later than one week before the programme commences.
- The sessions will be led by a certified psychologist who is specialised in smoking cessation programmes.
This course is part of our Impact-offer

Broaden your view and prepare for a new role. A mix of learning methods helps you acquire in-depth knowledge you can apply immediately. The learning paths are often spread over several days.
It pays to invest in improving your employees’ health. Organising a group smoking cessation counselling programme will give your employees that extra boost of motivation to live a smoke-free life. This will improve both their mental and physical health: employees who stop smoking feel healthier, fitter, happier and can stay healthy at work for longer.
For whom?
Approximately 27% of Belgians smoke. Two out of three smokers want to stop smoking. No matter how big or small your company is, there is a good chance that there will be employees in your workforce who want to kick their habit. Organising group counselling to help your employees stop smoking for the sake of their health, is a win-win situation for both you and your employees. Mensura can play an important role in motivating and coaching employees who want to stop smoking. We provide a quit smoking coaching service for groups of a minimum of five and a maximum of twelve participants.
The price depends on the way you follow the training.
Digital training material is included in the price.
If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.
Subsidies and financing possibilities
We qualify for all kinds of subsidies and financing options because we are certified by many government agencies and sector funds.
- SME-Portfolio (in Flanders). Use these certification numbers in your request:
- members of Mensura External Department for Prevention for Prevention and Protection: Mensura EDPB - DV.O105072
- non-members: Mensura CONSULT - DV.O101943
- Training vouchers
- Sector fund
- Alimento
- Constructiv