Prevent occupational accidents with lock out, tag out, and try out: the safety solution for machine maintenance
Did you know that one in ten fatal occupational accidents occurs during the maintenance or repair of an industrial machine? Employees are more sensitive to absent-mindedness, especially at the end of a shift or after a break, and increase the risk of an incident. With the LOTOTO procedure – also known as lock out, tag out, try out – you can reduce risks and keep your employees working safely.
LOTOTO, what’s in a name?
The LOTOTO procedure prevents machines from being left powered on during maintenance work. This goes beyond electricity: released compressed air, hydraulic oil, water, steam, chemical products, and fuel are also risky.
The basic principle of the procedure is simple: work can only start when the installation’s power supply has been completely switched off.
The procedure includes rules for:
- blocking off a machine, installation, or equipment (lock out);
- placing a warning label on the lock (tag out);
- checking whether the energy source has actually been disconnected (try out)
How does it work?
Each maintenance worker has their own padlock with a name tag. They use the lock before, during, and after their shift.
- Preparation: the employee identifies the energy source and the potential risks.
- Lock: the employee disables and locks the installation.
- Check: The employee checks whether the machine is completely disconnected from the power supply.
- Warning: the employee attaches a warning card to the machine until the end of the work.
Working safely using five LOTOTO rules of thumb
The LOTOTO procedure can only be successful if every employee knows it and applies it correctly. Therefore, make sure all employees are aware of the risks, train them, and keep stressing the importance.
We’re providing you with an infographic that lists the five rules of thumb to give you some help already. Hang up the infographic in clearly visible places, near critical machines, or share them digitally with your employees.
Download the infografic
Note! This infographic is only available in Dutch and French.
Download the infographic in Dutch
Download the infographic in French

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