You must submit these declarations annually in order to put your environmental administration in order
Arranging environmental administration is on the agenda at many companies in the first quarter of the year. Which declarations do you have to submit annually and what are the deadlines? An overview of the most common declarations per region.
Federal: packaging waste
- What? Declaration for 'packaging managers' (companies placing packaging on the Belgian market) in all regions.
- How? Many companies have this complicated declaration completed by a recognised organisation: Valipac for commercial packaging waste or Fost Plus for household packaging waste. Both organisations ask the member companies at the beginning of the year to forward data on their packaging waste. If you are not affiliated with Valipac or Fost Plus, you must submit your declaration online yourself via the IVCIE website.
- When? Via Valipac or Fostplus before 28 February. Via the IVCIE website before 31 March.
Flemish Region
Integrated Environmental Report (IMJV)
- What? Declaration of various emissions (waste and polluting emissions into air and water) and immissions (consumption of raw materials and energy).
- How? Companies that have to submit an IMJV will receive a letter from the Flemish Government in January. This contains login details that you can use to log in at the website for your online IMJV declaration. You must collect and upload the requested data at the IMJV counter.
- When? Submit by 15 March.
Water declaration
- What? Declaration of groundwater consumption and waste water discharge for the purpose of determining the water pollution levy
- How? Companies that consume more than 500 m³ of piped water or have their own water extraction, receive a letter from the Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) in January. This contains login details that you can use to log in at the VMM website for your online declaration. You must provide the requested data regarding water consumption (mains water, groundwater, rainwater, surface water) and waste water discharges.
- When? Submit by 15 March.
Walloon Region
Declaration of production/disposal of hazardous waste
- What? Hazardous waste declaration.
- How? All Walloon companies producing hazardous waste must make a declaration to the Département du Sol et des Déchets (DSD). To do so, please fill in a form that you can download at the website of the DSD.
- When? Submit by 31 March.
Industrial waste water discharge declaration
- What? Declaration of waste water discharge.
- How? Companies that have to file this declaration will receive a letter from the Walloon Government in January. You must provide the requested data regarding waste water discharges. You can return the completed copies by post or e-mail.
- When? Submit by 31 March.
Declaration of volumes and usages of the water extracted
- What? Declaration for companies that carry out water extraction that is subject to notification or permit requirements.
- How? These companies will receive the necessary forms from the Walloon government by post in January. You must fill in the requested data regarding groundwater and surface water. You can return the completed copies by post or e-mail.
- When? Submit by 31 March.
Brussels-Capital Region
In the Brussels region, administrative obligations are mostly included in the environmental permit. So be sure to check the conditions included in your environmental permit to find out what is mandatory for your organisation.
Need help with your environmental administration?
Mensura's environmental specialists are at your service with professional advice. Contact us through the form below!