Planning some demolition works? Then don’t forget a demolition follow-up plan and a traceability system.

Various types of waste materials are released when a building is demolished. They can often be reused or recycled, provided they are properly sorted at the source. Since 2018, you have been required to add a demolition follow-up plan to your demolition application for specific demolition works. As of 1 July 2022, a mandatory traceability system must also be applied. What does this entail and who draws it up?

The demolition follow-up plan contains a list of the wastes present – subdivided into substances containing asbestos, hazardous and non-hazardous – and lists the possibilities for reuse and recycling. The plan also contains recommendation on the selective demolition work approach.

Tip: get more out of your demolition follow-up plan

The extensive materials inventory associated with the plan can be reused for tenders, price quotes, and risk assessments.

As from 1 July 2022, there must also be a conformity declaration for the demolition follow-up plan and the tracing of demolition waste is mandatory. The obligatory tracing starts with a demolition follow-up plan in which the different materials are identified and inventoried, as well as a follow-up of the correct disposal of these materials. At the same time, this plan also considers what happens to the waste materials that are released during the demolition and dismantling works. This reduces the environmental risks and prevents the spread of asbestos and other hazardous waste throughout the vicinity.

When are a demolition follow-up plan and the application of the traceability system mandatory?

Not all demolition work requires a demolition follow-up plan and traceability system. This is only the case for the demolition, dismantling, or renovation of:

  • non-residential buildings/projects with a volume greater than 1,000 m³;
  • primarily residential buildings/projects with a volume greater than 5,000 m³;
  • infrastructure with a volume greater than 250 m³.

The obligation only applies when an environmental permit is required for the works. In other cases, as the client, you can voluntarily opt for demolition follow-up by a recognised expert. Tracimat is currently the only recognised demolition management organisation in the Flemish Region.

For informational purposes

The obligation to draw up a demolition follow-up plan only applies in the Flemish Region. Separate rules apply for Wallonia and Brussels. If you would like to receive updates on this, please contact the Environment Service on +32 11 26 99 92 or

Six steps to safe demolition: the Tracimat procedure

Obtaining a processing permit is only possible if a correct demolition follow-up plan has been applied. The extensive procedure with obligations for the client for buildings larger than 1,000 m³, consists of six steps:

  1. drawing up the demolition follow-up plan;
  2. applying for a declaration of conformity from an accredited Tracimat expert;
  3. applying for the required processing permits;
  4. if asbestos is present on the site, conducting the inspection visit and draw up the inspection report;
  5. delivering processing permits for the processing of the construction rubble;
  6. applying for the demolition certificate.

A simplified procedure applies to buildings smaller than 1,000 m³ and infrastructure works, and does not require an expert visit.

Your guarantees?

Thanks to a close follow-up by the Tracimat expert, you, as the client, can be sure that the demolition has been carried out selectively. This means that recovered quality materials are preserved and hazardous substances are correctly removed and disposed.

For the rubble crusher, the demolition follow-up plan distinguishes between two waste flows, namely high environmental risk rubble (HERR) and low environmental risk rubble (LERR). Tracimat can provide a quality guarantee for the latter, allowing the rubble to be processed at a reduced rate.

Good for the environment and your wallet

You can also submit to the Tracimat procedure on a voluntary basis. The result: a lower waste processing cost, a better quality of the recycled materials, and a safer site for your contractor, its workers, and the environment.

Worry-free demolition?

Mensura can assist you in drawing up a demolition follow-up plan for your project. Contact us at +32 11 26 99 92 or