Annual IDPPW report: tips on completing the official form

Have you gathered all the information and documentation required for your annual report from the Internal Department for Prevention and Protection in the Workplace? Then you are ready to complete the official form: A, B or C. The explanatory notes provided by the government and these practical tips below will help you with this process.

Each year, the government provides the official forms that need to be completed. Three different forms are available, and selecting the correct form will depend on how your organisation is structured (joint IDPPW, several branches, several legal entities,etc.).

Explanatory notes are provided to help you select the correct form, i.e. form A, B or C. The explanatory note also includes practical guidelines for completing the form correctly.

In short

  • Form A is intended for an employer with an internal service for prevention and protection at work without departments
  • Form B is intended for an employer with an internal service for prevention and protection at work with departments, if an employer has several departments or business units and each department requires a separate committee for prevention and protection at work.
  • Form C is intended for a group of employers who have a joint service for prevention and protection at work. This service may or may not have several departments.

Download the explanatory notes (Dutch or French) as a guideline for completing your form.  

Download the form you require (the documents can be completed electronically):

Practical tips for completing your annual IDPPW report

In addition to the explanatory notes, the tips below will help you complete your annual report quickly and correctly.

Item 1.2.5 Hours allocated to the prevention advisors

  • This should match the info listed in the identification document.

Item 2.1 Work hours

  • To be obtained from your payroll services provider.

Items 2.2 and 2.3: Information regarding occupational accidents

  • Table and first additional question: info to be obtained from the insurance company Occupational accidents (from the contact person or through their online platform).
  • Second additional question (number of minor accidents): from first-aid records.

Item 2.4 Work hours and occupational accidents in specific employee categories

  • Temp workers: info to be obtained from the employment agency.
  • Contractors: sum of the hours performed by third-party workers within your organisation (both regular and casual work: cleaning, security, garden maintenance, technical maintenance, consultancy, etc.) and any accidents that occurred while they carried out these duties.

Item 3.1 Measures taken in the previous year

  • Less than 50 employees: 3 main accomplishments.
  • More than 50 employees: 5 main accomplishments.

Item 3.3 Annual action plan

  • Only to be completed by category A/B companies, or organisations that have their own committee for prevention and protection in the workplace or their own trade union delegates.

Item 4.1 Asbestos inventory

  • To be added to the annual report of the internal department for prevention and protection in the workplace.

Item 5.1 Training organised by the internal department

  • Courses, training sessions, etc. organised for employees.

Item 5.2 Training organised for the internal department

  • Courses, training sessions, etc. completed by the internal prevention advisor(s).
  • Regularly completing training and refresher courses is a requirement for all internal prevention advisors. No minimum number of hours has been set.

Item 6.1 Monthly reports

  • Drawing up a monthly report (category A/B companies) or a quarterly report (category C/D companies) is a legal requirement. If implemented correctly, you should be able to present 12 reports (category A/B companies) or 4 reports (category C/D companies).

Item 6.2 Other information and documentation

  • Examples: toolbox meetings, poster campaigns, presentations for employees, awareness campaigns, etc.

Item 7. Psychosocial risks

  • Some of these data can be found in the activity report of your external department for prevention and protection in the workplace. Mensura clients can access this report via MyMensura. Go to chapter 4 in the activity report to find out which parts you will need to complete yourself.

Is your annual IDPPW report ready for inspection?

Make sure the report is available for inspection from 1 April onwards. Remember to have the report signed by the employer and by the head of the internal prevention department.


  • General principles: Codex, book I, title 2
  • Drawing up the report: Codex, book II, title 1, art.II.1-6, § 1,2°, b
  • Content of the report: Codex, book II, title 1, annex II.1-3

Need assistance?

Our team of prevention advisors is always ready to assist you with ensuring that everything is completed correctly and in time. 

To obtain a quote for assistance with preparing these documents, or if you have any further questions, please contact our regional office:

Brussels: 02 549 70 85 -
Antwerp: 03 201 55 29 -
West Flanders: 050 33 98 07 -
East Flanders: 09 244 54 42 -
Gosselies: 071 73 34 10 -
Limburg: 011 30 27 62 -
Mouscron: 056 48 38 70 -
Libramont: 061 27 57 57 -


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