The most popular training courses of 2024

A lot of employees once again embarked on ’lifelong learning’ in 2024. Last year, as many as 51,118 people participated in a Learn&Connect training course, in person or via e-learning. We’ve listed the most popular ones because you might even find inspiration for your 2025 training plan here. 

Top 5 mandatory training courses

A regular feature of our offering is the mandatory training courses. Besides being hugely popular, they are also strong in content and quality for anyone who comes into contact with well-being. Participants think so too, as our top five mandatory training courses consistently score 9.7/10 for satisfaction. An overview!

  1. Person of trust – basic level
  2. Emergency response officer (first aid) – basic level
  3. Prevention adviser – basic level (level 3)
  4. Fire prevention and control
  5. Refresher courses for first aid, prevention adviser, and person of trust

These courses are mandatory, so be sure to include them in your training plan this year.
Read about how to do that here.

Top 4 non-obligatory courses

In addition to the mandatory training courses, we also offer a range of other interesting courses. These are also very useful when you want to promote well-being in the workplace. You don’t have to take our word for it; we’ll happily let our satisfied participants do the talking!

1. Reanimation and use of the automatic external defibrillator (AED)

You’ll spend four hours learning the basics of CPR and how to use an AED device. When dealing with a cardiac arrest, every second counts. Hands-on exercises allow you to get straight to work when disaster strikes.

Very clear visual explanation, including the why behind each step. Highly recommended; this is going to stick with me."

2. First Aid initiation

Are there less than 20 employees in your organisation? Then you need a ‘designated person’ who can provide first aid in case of an emergency. They do not need a first aid certificate, but this is strongly recommended. This initiation course will teach you the basics so you can confidently help your colleagues in need.

Very interesting. The provided info can definitely come in handy in daily life."

3. Performing small electrical work safely

You’ll spend an hour learning how to perform common, small electrical tasks safely in this e-learning course. This includes things like replacing a light bulb, switching a fuse, removing socket covers, or charging a device’s battery.

Very comprehensive, very well explained, and informative. The tests give you a good picture about how you processed the new info."

4. Well-being in the workplace for supervisors and managers

Supervisors and managers also have a number of obligations concerning occupational safety in the workplace. This basic course will teach you about each one of them. Prevention is obviously at the top of the agenda, but communication and safety culture are also discussed in detail.

Very inspiring and prompts you to set up action plans, additional tasks internally, and monitoring. Very interesting; highly recommended!"

Inspired to get started yourself? Follow the example of more than 138,000 others!