Instructors’ Day: ‘A Learn&Connect event for training courses with more impact’

Learning, connecting, and inspiring: that’s what the Mensura Learn&Connect Instructors’ Day was all about. Coaches from different fields came together to exchange experiences, gather new insights, and get to know each other from a different angle. 

As a learning partner, we motivate employees daily to engage in lifelong learning. Under the motto ‘practice what you preach’, we brought all the Learn&Connect coaches together to brush up on their own skills and knowledge as well. They were given concrete tips and tricks to tackle training even better. Plus, it was held in an informal setting, where everyone could get to know each other better. 

More knowledge = more impact

Visual harvesting, proper use of voice, group facilitation, and ChatGPT: these are just some of the topics that were covered. After all, we create more impact through the training courses by presenting theory in a visual way, communicating clearly, responding to specific group dynamics, and using innovative tools.

Some Learn&Connect coaches were already eagerly working with the theory:

Prevention adviser Françoise De Potter:

"Over the last five years, I’ve started teaching training courses more intensively: HACCP & Vitality workshops, lots of ‘safety days’… I would regularly get hoarse when I taught a lot of courses or had long days of training in a single week. Thanks to the tips from the Voice workshop, I have more control of my vocal power, I speak more slowly and consciously, I insert more pauses… As soon as I notice that my ‘former voice’ is threatening to resurface, I immediately make adjustments. This hasn’t escaped the trainees’ notice either. Even after the first sessions in which I applied the techniques, I was told by participants that they found my voice pleasant, captivating, engaging to listen to, and yet soothing. This was the crowning achievement for me after decades of teaching training courses. So you’re never too old to learn and apply that knowledge!"

Psychosocial prevention adviser Kirsten O:

"The intervision session with colleagues was very valuable. We can always learn from each other. I also found the session on ChatGPT very interesting, and I now use it to get inspiration for courses. However, I felt like there wasn’t a clear takeaway in the storytelling session to make it more applicable. But that doesn’t detract from this great initiative."

Optimal learning experience

Training Manager Julie Pottier and Learning Architect Monika Kaczorowska look back on the event together: “Initiatives like the Instructors’ Day offer coaches the chance to inspire each other and gain new insights, which they can immediately apply in their courses. This way, we guarantee that trainees also get the most out of their learning experiences.”

Curious about our Learn&Connect coaches’ (new) skills?

From first aid to healthy home working to fire safety, Mensura Learn&Connect offers a range of training courses. Experts teach the tricks of their trade, while knowledge and experiences can be exchanged with fellow professionals.

View the range of training courses >