Working ergonomically as a care provider? Here’s how!

The work care providers do is physically demanding. A stressful work method can then have significant consequences for both physical and mental health. The ‘Ergonomics for Care Providers’ e-learning course offers care providers valuable insights and tips to take care of their bodies.

The healthcare sector is under considerable pressure and this is also reflected in the workplace. For example, only half of all care providers feel they have manageable jobs. “Committing to an ergonomically efficient workplace and method can drastically reduce that figure. You thus reduce the physical strain on employees and lower the risk of work-related disorders, which also has a positive impact on mental well-being,” says Ruth Costers, ergonomics prevention adviser. 

Flexible learning program

In the ‘Ergonomics for Care Providers’ e-learning course (available in Dutch or French), participants gain an understanding of the importance of ergonomic work practices for their physical health. “But due to current staff shortages and high workloads, care providers are often left with little time to attend training courses. That is what we are trying to address with the e-learning course. Care providers can take the course online whenever and wherever it is convenient for them,” said prevention expert Sofie De Vocht.

Three interactive modules

The online course is divided into three different modules:

  • Module 1 – Recognising health risks: Are the natural curves of the back respected? Does the care provider use sufficient resources? Are they making the best use of the space? Care providers can only avoid health risks if they first learn to recognise them. Therefore, in the first module, participants discover what ergonomic risks they face in their jobs. 
  • Module 2 – Teaching the basics: Correct back and leg posture, good communication with the care recipient, and correct use of aids quickly help reduce the physical strain on care providers. There are 10 golden rules for this, which are covered in detail in this module. 

    “For example, good cooperation between colleagues is very important. By focusing on a uniform working method, care providers know what is expected of them during physically demanding tasks. Preferably, care providers let the care recipients know what actions they want to perform so that they can both brainstorm on how best to help. This makes the operation less strenuous for the care provider and improves the mobility of the care recipient,” explains Sofie.
  • Module 3 – Apply transferring techniques: The final module introduces care providers to some transferring techniques, which they will later learn to apply in practice. They also discover how the techniques help prevent physical complaints. This is not insignificant, given that as many as 65% of care providers struggle with back problems.

Transferring techniques: useful for every care provider

Ruth: “Whether you’re in home nursing, work for a residential care centre or public centre for social welfare, or treat patients in hospital: the training provides a useful refresher for experienced care providers as well as a good foundation for new colleagues.”

Childcare workers are better off undergoing training to learn how to lift correctly because they have to use different techniques to work ergonomically.

Working with the theory

To immediately master the moving techniques in the workplace, care providers are highly encouraged to attend an interactive workshop after the training course, during which they apply the principles in specific work situations. As a group, for example, they learn how to work efficiently with a sliding mat or make the most of the functionalities of a care bed. 

Another option is to combine the training course with individually tailored advice. An expert from Mensura then spends half an hour with the care provider to see what their personal pitfalls and areas for improvement are. 

Give care providers’ health an ergonomic boost

The ‘Ergonomics for Care Providers’ e-learning course provides participants with the necessary tools to work in a healthy and ergonomic way. But to best protect employees’ physical health, a broader ergonomics policy is crucial. Our experts offer personalised, expert advice. 

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