Who am I?
With my Master’s degree in Psychological Science, specialising in social psychology, employment and organisations, I quickly became interested in psychosocial issues, in particular through my thesis dealing with the topic of workplace bullying.
During my working career and in addition to skills associated with the field of trainer/presenter and coordinator, I have developed transversal skills linked to the function of prevention adviser.
With a great interest in learning languages, I have gained my linguistic knowledge during stays in English-speaking countries and am able to conduct interviews and do other work in English.
I am skilled in creative tools such as mindmapping, which is particularly useful in running working groups.
I firmly believe that prevention is the key and that acting as early as possible can limit the extent of any damage.
I enjoy playing basketball and mountainbiking. I also love astronomy. I am a member of a theatrical improvisation group.
There’s no change without a change of perspective"Jacques-Antoine Malarewicz
I operate in a range of different sectors, whether public (local authorities, PSACs, etc.), private (industries, etc.) or associative, and my assignments are as diverse as they are varied: in particular, I organise interviews with workers dealing with psychosocial issues (stress, conflicts, burnout, etc.) and I also work with members of line management. I head up conciliation and team guidance sessions and also conduct psychosocial risk analyses by questionnaire (SONAR), as well as individual discussions or focus groups. Finally, I also run discussion groups.
I am a prevention adviser, psychosocial aspects, at Mensura. I conduct analyses of psychosocial risks using participative methods, workshops and training courses. I also present awareness sessions and courses relative to the prevention of psychosocial risks at work.
I have previously worked as a teaching coordinator/psychosocial supervisor for the CEPPST and I was Manager for Cogito Belgium – Arlon and Luxembourg.
I hold a Master’s degree in Psychological Science, specialising in social psychology, employment and organisations, to which I added a Master’s in risk management and wellbeing in the workplace. The subject of my thesis for this second Master’s was the management of hyperconflicts at work.
I can provide individual guidance for workers, as well as train and supervise confidential counsellors.
The courses that I design, present and assess cover a range of topics:
“Prevention of psychosocial risks”, “Respect in the workplace”, “Confidential counsellors”, “Managing aggression”, “Resilience” and “Homeworking”. For some courses, I work with my CPAP colleagues to provide role-play designed to make the courses more practical.

Respect in the workplace
Empower your employees to improve their own well-being at work and their relationships with others

Person of trust - basic level
Provide support in case of conflict and psychosocial problems within your organization and receive your certificate.