Mensura Vitality Challenge gets companies moving


Energy Lab and Mensura’s joint exercise platform, KeepMoving, is launching the Mensura Vitality Challenge. One or more teams commit to taking at least one million steps in three weeks during this workplace exercise challenge. They’ll also simultaneously compete with teams from other participating organisations. Mensura clients can sign up between 4 and 25 May at an advantageous preferential rate.

Thanks to the online exercise platform KeepMoving, companies can organise low-threshold exercise challenges for their employees. The web platform offers a choice of ready-made or customised exercise challenges. “Employees are motivated get moving thanks to gamification, a pinch of competitiveness, and great rewards. In addition, we offer practical inspiration within the platform to promote a healthy lifestyle,” said Pieterjan Blondeel, Business Lead KeepMoving at Energy Lab. “The aim is to encourage employees to get enough exercise to boost physical and mental health.”

Activation and connection

“Both large and smaller companies seem to need tools to activate and connect their employees now more than ever,” adds Kim Van Asch, Corporate Venturing & Partnerships Manager at Mensura. “We’ve noticed this in the many client queries we receive. Organisations are looking for ways to break out of the rut of working from home or to raise employee awareness about a healthy lifestyle. KeepMoving’s exercise challenges provide the perfect answer to these questions and reinforce our Vitality range, where we focus on exercise, healthy nutrition, and mental health. A partnership was a logical step in that story.”

Mensura Vitality Challenge

In order to highlight the partnership, Energy Lab and Mensura are launching the Mensura Vitality Challenge. The challenge: each team must collect 1 million steps in three weeks. Both walking and running are allowed. All teams are equipped with pedometers and enter their results on the platform. During the challenge, participants receive a weekly motivational email with an inspiring blog post and can monitor their progress in real time on the platform. As a team, you compete against colleagues in other teams, as well as against teams from other participating organisations.

Mensura already tested the Challenge in their own company. Kim Van Asch elaborates, “In total, 51 teams travelled 54,425 km, for an average of 8.9 km per person per day. It’s a big success, especially for a first edition. We’re already getting questions about when the next edition will start. A specific challenge and the group experience make it much easier to get up and get moving. We hope that many clients will follow our example. This can be done in complete safety, even during the pandemic, and some colleagues can still meet up.”

Step into the SME market

“KeepMoving is very compatible with corporate well-being campaigns and promotions, and contributes greatly to employee engagement,” says Pieterjan Blondeel. “Large organisations such as Coca-Cola, Proximus, imec, the University of Antwerp, Novo Nordisk, and Pfizer jumped on the bandwagon from the start. Thanks to the cooperation with Mensura, we also want to reach the SME market in Belgium. The need for healthy living and working is just as prevalent there.”

 Between 4 and 25 May, Mensura clients can use this campaign to get to know the exercise platform by registering one or more teams of up to six people. The participation fee is €300 per team (excl. VAT). Pieterjan Blondeel explains, “Thanks to this introductory price, companies can get to know the platform. We hope that this will also be a success in the SME world because it’s much less obvious for small organisations to set up their own challenges. This way, we’re offering them the opportunity to compete against other organisations on a regular basis at an affordable price.”

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