Mensura donates over 800 PCs to sustainable project Close The Gap


Last year, Mensura launched an operation to renew all laptops and desktops in the organisation. IT material that was financially written off is now being reused via the circular economy. Mensura achieved this in collaboration with Close The Gap, a non-profit organisation supporting social and educational projects with second-hand PCs.

When embarking on a project to renew all computers, Mensura looked at what to do with the old Pcs. Rather than selling them off second hand, they were used to support a charity. Mensura donated a total of 665 laptops, 170 desktops and 200 docking stations to Close The Gap. This charity organisation goes to companies and collects IT material that has been written off, for reuse in social and educational projects.

African start-ups

“As an external department, we help entrepreneurs on a daily basis in the safe and healthy employment of workers. One of the differentiating factors at Close The Gap is the fact that they also support and encourage new enterprise. They do this by offering a range of help covering coaching and support down to investments in African start-ups”, explains Dirk Oosterlinck, Group Director Business Development, Marketing & Innovation at Mensura. “The fact that we can boost entrepreneurs with lots of ambition but less opportunities via Close The Gap is a chance that we did not want to miss.”

Closing the digital gap

Close The Gap looks after all the arrangements and, in doing so, respects the principles of the circular economy. They collect all IT material and completely refurbish the devices. Before embarking on their new life, all data on the computers is erased by a certified partner. Once they are end-of-life, Close The Gap also takes care of the complete dismantling and recycling process.

“Working with companies like Mensura, we help to close the digital gap thanks to education and training”, says Didier Appels, Impact & Business Director at Close The Gap. “Digital for development, in other words, based on the fact that a better world begins with our own efforts.”

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