Did you know that as much as 55% of Belgium’s working population is overweight and 19% is obese? This is very alarming, since obesity increases the risk of chronic ailments. Such illnesses are also a major cause of long-term absence from work. There is a clear link between a poor diet and obesity. By informing your employees about healthy food, you give them the tools to become fitter and enjoy greater vitality. Thanks to this preventive approach you can limit absenteeism in your organisation.
What do you learn?
In this workshop we will focus on 10 basic tips for healthy eating. We will discuss the issues of sugar, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. We will also analyse the information on the packaging. In this way, your employees will learn how to make the right food choices to promote their health. Participants have the opportunity to express their expectations at the beginning of the seminar. This will enable us to answer all your employees’ questions.
This course is part of our Interact-offer

Talk to an expert, share your experiences and learn from each other. Learning is a social event. You learn to apply basic knowledge in practice, both online and in the classroom.
Your employees (hopefully) will adopt healthier eating habits. They’ll feel healthier, fitter and have more energy. Preventing obesity and being overweight helps reduce chronic ailments. Your employees’ health also promotes the health of your company, because the less your staff are sick, they more productive they will be.
For whom?
The ‘Healthy Food’ workshop is recommended for all companies and organisations wanting to take preventative action to encourage healthy, fit employees.
The price depends on the way you follow the training.
Digital training material is included in the price.
If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.
Subsidies and financing options
We qualify for all kinds of subsidies and financing options because we are certified by many government agencies and sector funds.
- SME-Portfolio. Use these certification numbers in your request:
- members of Mensura External Department for Prevention for Prevention and Protection: Mensura EDPB - DV.O105072
- non-members: Mensura CONSULT - DV.O101943
- Training vouchers
- Sector fund
- Alimento
- Constructiv