Emergency response officer (first aid) - basic level

icon Blended

  • Practical
  • 1 day e-learning, 1 day in class
  • €286.00 or 1.5 PU
  • Dutch
  • In-depth
  • Certificate valid in Belgium
  • Sme portfolio, Training cheques, Sector fund

In the blended training course, you learn the basics of being a first aider at work, in theory and practice. After completion you will receive a certificate, valid in Belgium.

What can you expect?

The blended training consists of 1 day of theory via e-learning and 1 day of classroom-based practice.

You learn the theory on the online learning platform however you like: via desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. The licence is valid for one year. So if you want, you can repeat the theory. A certificate of successful completion of the theory is required to participate in the practical session.

For maximum interaction, the classroom practice session is conducted in groups of no more than 15 people.

You will be continuously evaluated and after the training you will receive the official certificate, recognised by the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO).

Catering is included.

Our locations

With around thirty training locations, Mensura guarantees a regional presence throughout the country. Here you will find an overview of the places where our classical courses take place.

How is the programme structured?

E-learning: the theory of assistance

1. Introduction

4 steps in first aid

  • Health and safety
  • Approaching a victim
  • Alerting the emergency services, 112.
  • Providing first aid.

The comfort of the victim

  • Supporting a victim.
  • Protecting a victim in heat and cold.
  • Reassuring a victim / psychological support.
  • Emotional reactions

The safety of the first aider

  • Acting correctly in a traffic accident:
    • Behaviour when approaching an accident
    • Use of safety equipment in a vehicle
  • Acting correctly in the event of an electricity accident.
  • Acting correctly in the event of a fire.

2. Basic Life Support (BLS)

Approaching a victim

  • Consciousness control
  • Respiratory control

Chain of survival

Chest compressions: using the correct technique


  • Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
  • Use of a pocket master

Use of an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator): types of AEDs

Technique for tilting a victim

Resuscitation of pregnant victims

Recovery position

3. Loss of consciousness

Checking consciousness

  • Shake the shoulders.
  • Shout loudly.

Opening the airway and controlling breathing

  • Tilting the head and chin lift.
  • Recognising normal or abnormal breathing.


  • Recovery position
  • Turning from the prone to the supine position

4. Burns and skin wounds

Types of burn

Recognising a burn

Treating a burn: cooling with water

Extinguishing burning clothing: use of a fire blanket

Covering the burn


  • Skin wounds
  • Abrasions
  • Incisions
  • Bites
  • Blisters
  • Splinters
  • Wounds with a foreign object

Use of a quick bandage

Applying sutures to cuts

Bandaging a skin wound with a foreign object

5. (Nasal) bleeding

Type of bleeding

Recognising shock

Applying a (wound) pressure bandage

Recognising a nosebleed

Treatment of nosebleed: pressing on nose 2 x 5'

6. Choking

Recognising and treating mild and severe choking

  • Thumping the back
  • Abdominal thrusts

Taking action in the event of loss of consciousness

  • Recovery position

7. Neck and spine injuries and mild traumatic brain injuries (concussion)

Recognising and treating a neck and spine injury: stabilising the neck and head.

 Occurrence, recognition and treatment of a brain injury

Checking vital functions

Neck and head stabilisation

8. Poisoning

Recognising poisoning

Treating poisoning

  • Health and safety
  • Rinsing mouth in case of poison in the mouth

Particular danger for children

Chemical injuries

Treating chemical injuries

Recognising and treating CO poisoning

9. Chest pain and stroke

Recognising and treating chest pain: reassuring a victim

Recognising a stroke: FAST test

10. Medical emergencies

Recognising and treating

  • Fainting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hyperventilation: breathing into the hands and into a bag
  • Diabetes: administering fast and slow sugars

Controlling a fall in the event of impending fainting: Rautek manoeuvre

Recognising and treating

  • Epilepsy: approaching the victim
  • Convulsions: wet flannel on the victim's forehead

Recognising injuries

  • Bone fracture
  • Dislocation
  • Sprain
  • Bruising

Treating injuries to bones, muscles and joints

  • Support with a blanket, coats...
  • The victim supporting an injury.
  • Covering an open bone fracture.
  • Applying a support bandage.

Recognising and treating mild and severe hypothermia: use of an insulation blanket

Recognising and treating heat rashes: using a cold pack

Recognising heat cramp

Recognising and treating sunburn:

  • Cool the skin with wet cloths.
  • Aqueous after-sun gel

Recognising and treating heat exhaustion: using an insulation blanket

Recognising and treating heat stroke:

  • Use of cold packs
  • Cooling down in a cold bath.

12. Amputated body part

Recognising and treating amputation

  • Applying pressure to the wound.
  • Covering with bandages.
  • Treatment of a severed body part.

13. Eye injuries

Recognising and treating an eye injury

  • Opening eye with 2 fingers.
  • Removing dirt from an eye.

Specific injuries requiring a medical opinion

14. Injuries caused by contact with animals and plants

Recognising and treating

  • Signs
  • Insect sting
  • Processionary caterpillar
  • Marine animals
  • Stinging nettle
  • Hogweed

Treating an allergic reaction

Certificate of passing first aid theory

After passing your theory certificate, you can participate in the classroom practice session with the expert(s).

Assistance in practice

Life-saving action

Application of Basic Life Support (BLS):

4 steps in first aid:

  • Health and safety
  • Approaching a victim
  • Alerting the emergency services, 112
  • Providing first aid

Resuscitation and AED

Recovery position


Bandaging techniques

Applying the different bandaging techniques

Scenario training

During the scenario training, we use make-up to simulate wounds on some of the participants. You voluntarily choose to participate and are given a short and clear instruction of what is expected of you. The expert(s) monitors the process and make adjustments where necessary.

First aid certificate

At the end of this training, you will receive the official first aid certificate, recognised by the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO).

When and where do you want to follow the training course?

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