Do you have a Basic First aid course certificate? Then you must complete a mandatory, annual refresher training course. You must also be able to present a certificate to prove this.
In any case, it is important for First Aid responders to keep their knowledge updated and to stay abreast of the latest methods, techniques, and legislation. Refreshing training on the most important treatments is also crucial.
Mensura has been accredited by the FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue to organise this refresher training. After the training, you will receive a refresher training certificate.
Prior knowledge required
This continued education builds on your basic knowledge of support and First Aid at work. If you have not yet done so, please follow the training course ‘Emergency response officer (first aid) - basic level’.
What do you learn?
There will be some theory but the focus will be on practice. We also learn from each other by exchanging practical experiences. Therefore, there is a maximum of 15 participants.
We will refresh both your knowledge and skills. New techniques will also be covered. You will also learn how to apply bandages, resuscitation with mannequins, how to transport victims, how to treat common wounds, choking, and so on.
More details can be found in the learning programme.
This course is part of our Increase-offer

Increase your knowledge or get a refresher on a particular subject. In this way you strengthen your practical skills. The courses can be either digital or classroom-based.
In this refresher training course, you can update your knowledge and skills and expand your expertise. New techniques and methods are also covered. This training is mainly practical. Upon completion, you will receive a refresher training certificate. After completing this course, your First Aid knowledge will be up-to-date and you will be able to:
- Provide First Aid.
- Support, protect, and move a victim.
- Get yourself to safety.
- Resuscitate and use the Automatic Electrical Defibrillator (AED).
- Provide Basic Life Support (BLS) including checking the victim, chest compressions, breathing, and putting the victim into the recovery position.
- Assist with an unconscious victim.
- Recognise and treat burns and skin wounds.
- Treat bleeding (including nosebleeds).
- Intervene in case of choking and hyperventilation.
- Intervene in case of poisoning.
- Recognise and treat neck, spine, brain, and eye injuries as well as injuries to bones, muscles, and joints.
- Provide assistance in case of a stroke or heart attack.
- Understand different bandaging techniques and apply them.
We provide continuous evaluation during the training course. After the training course, you will receive the official First Aid refresher training certificate, recognised by the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO). Your First Aid certificate remains valid thanks to this refresher training course.
Annual refresher training is mandatory.
For whom?
This refresher course is for certified First Aid responders who wish to extend their official certificates and those who wish to update their basic knowledge and skills in First Aid at work.
Assistance for designated persons
Certain companies must have 'designated persons'. An emergency services licence is not required, but it is necessary to have mastered the basics of first aid/support. Have a look at our 'Emergency response (first aid) for designated persons' training.
Additional background information was given, easier to understand the reasons why, making it easier to remember the guidelines."Dirk Bellens Comacd Commv
What does the law say?
Would you like to retain your First Aid certificate? Then you are legally obliged to attend a refresher course every year.
The Federal Public Service on Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO) lists Mensura as a training institution that can provide this refresher training. Upon completion of the training course, you will therefore receive a recognised refresher training certificate and retain your First Aid certificate.
There are exceptions to the refresher training, based on a risk analysis and the advice from the occupational physician and the Committee. In some cases, refresher training is only required every two years.
Want to know more? Take a look at the FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO) website.
The price depends on how you follow the training.
If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.
Training courses can be held in the evening or at the weekend for an additional fee.
You can indicate your interest in the options in your request for a quote.
Subsidies and financing options
We qualify for all kinds of subsidies and financing options because we are certified by many government agencies and sector funds.
- SME-Portfolio. Use these certification numbers in your request:
- members of Mensura External Department for Prevention for Prevention and Protection: Mensura EDPB - DV.O105072
- non-members: Mensura CONSULT - DV.O101943
- Training cheques - Wallonia
- Sector fund
- Alimento
- Constructiv
Frequently Asked Questions
I already attended a basic first aid training course. Can I register for the refresher course?
Several organisations offer basic first aid training. But these do not always prepare you to start working as a first aid responder in a work context. You can therefore only participate in the refresher course if the course you took meets these requirements:
- The training focused on first aid in a professional context.
- You attended at least two days of classes.
- You obtained a ‘first aid responder certificate’.
Does the course you took not meet the requirements? Then you can register for our ‘First Aid – basic level’ course.
What is the difference between an initiation, a refresher course, and a basic course?
An initiation is an awareness training for all staff in your company. This ensures everyone reacts appropriately in the event of an accident. You do not receive an official certificate.
After a basic course, you receive a certificate and are then a first aider in your company. You retain that certificate on completion of the mandatory annual refresher course.
How many first aiders are needed in my organisation?
This is determined by the risk analysis. You can find a recommendation per sector here.
Is something unclear? Then contact your external Mensura prevention adviser.