Travelling abroad sometimes involves health risks: infectious diseases (e.g. malaria), risk of thrombosis, etc.
Are you travelling on behalf of your employer? Then your employer is obliged to identify the potential risks and you and your employer are expected to reduce them to an acceptable level through preventive measures.
This e-learning provides the necessary basic information and recommendations in that regard. This way, you protect your health and your employer takes responsibility when it comes to the law of wellbeing.
What do you learn?
This e-learning informs you about health risks of travelling and working abroad and recommended preventive measures you can take (e.g. insect bite prevention, food safety, vaccines, etc. )
The following modules are currently available:
- Travel-related medical conditions (part 1 & 2)
- Fluid balance, prevention and treatment of traveller’s diarrhoea
- Vector-borne diseases
- Vaccinations
This course is part of our Initiate-offer

Develop basic knowledge in a short time. The sessions are dynamic and easy to get into and available online at any time. You learn where and when you want. No previous knowledge required.
After this course, you will have a solid basic understanding of travel-related health risks and related preventive measures.
After this e-learning, you are able to:
- recognize health risks associated with travelling to areas abroad;
- ask specific questions to the doctor during an additional medical exam;
- apply recommended prevention measures for your specific work trip.
For whom?
This e-learning is designed for employees who travel on behalf of their employer – whether you travel once for a meeting, travel regularly or stay abroad for a longer period of time as an expat.
What does the law say?
Your employer is obliged to identify health risks in the workplace and take the necessary preventive measures. This also includes biological risks, such as infectious diseases (e.g. malaria). Apart from this legal obligation, you can assume that your employer will make sure the employees work in the best possible conditions, even at a destination abroad.
The prices depends on how you follow the training.
If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.
The e-learning will remain available for one year on the Mensura Learn&Connect learning platform, and you will be able to ask questions to our experts during that entire period.