In smaller organisations, first-aid care and fire prevention duties are often entrusted to a single person who needs to have the required skills and knowledge. In this course, you acquire the relevant skills in one day so that you can take appropriate action in the event of an accident or starting a fire.
If you are only looking for a course in emergency assistance or fire safety, you can also follow these separately.
What do you learn?
This combi is a combination of the training courses in first aid and fire security with the use of small fire extinguishers.
You learn the basic principles and skills of first aid. Topics include: basic hygiene, analysing the situation, procedures, administering care before evacuation and the basics of first aid (bleeding, wounds, burns, etc.).
After that, you work with small extinguishers to learn skills in the field of fire safety.
This course is part of our Impact-offer

Those wishing to go deeper into a specific topic will find what they are looking for in our Impact training. We ensure a lasting impact using a mix of experience-based, social and digital learning.
After completing this course you will be able to:
- Provide first aid.
- Support, protect and move a victim.
- Resuscitate and use the Automatic Electrical Defibrillator (AED).
- Provide Basic Life Support (BLS) including checking the victim, chest compressions, breathing and putting the victim into the recovery position.
- Assist with unconsciousness.
- Recognise and treat burns and skin wounds
- Treat (nose) bleeding.
- Intervene in case of poisoning.
- Treat a sprain.
- Provide assistance in case of stroke and heart attack.
- Apply different bandaging techniques.
- Distinguish different types of extinguishing equipment.
- Use various types of extinguishing equipment to fight a fire that is just getting started.
- Apply various evacuation techniques in practice.
We work with continuous evaluation during the training.
Afterwards, you will receive the certificate of participation for designated persons recognised by the Federal Public Service Employment, Labour, and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO).
Game-based learning in emergency services and fire safety
PLAY IT's serious games are the ideal way to learn efficiently in a digital way. Because you experience everything virtually, you remember faster and better.
For whom?
For employees who are responsible for both first aid and fire prevention in small organisations that do not have a certified first aider.
What does the law say?
As an employer of a company with fewer than 20 employees (i.e. group D), you must ensure that there is always one or more employees present in the workplace to administer first aid in case of an accident or health problem (the 'designated persons'). A first aid certificate is not required but they must have mastered the basic principles and skills of first aid.
Know that first aid must always be guaranteed. That means at night too in the case of shift work.
Mensura is listed by the Federal Public Service on Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue (FPS WASO) as a training institution that provides this refresher course.
Each company is legally required to have an in-house firefighting service. It consists of several employees who act efficiently in the event of a fire (hazard). The size of your organisation is irrelevant to this requirement.
A risk analysis determines how many employees the firefighting service must contain. This depends on your company size, type of business operations and the fire risk.
As an employer, you are legally obligated to provide members of the firefighting service with the necessary training. Raising awareness is important to inform all other employees of fire hazards, what to do in the event of a fire and how to evacuate.
The price depends on how you follow the training.
If your organisation is affiliated with Mensura External Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (ESPPW) and you have prevention units, you can pay with these as long as your balance is sufficient.
- Training courses can be held in the evening or at the weekend for an additional fee.
You can indicate your interest in the options in your request for a quote.
Subsidies and financing options
We qualify for all kinds of subsidies and financing options because we are certified by many government agencies and sector funds.
- SME-Portfolio. Use these certification numbers in your request:
- members of Mensura External Department for Prevention for Prevention and Protection: Mensura EDPB - DV.O105072
- non-members: Mensura CONSULT - DV.O101943
- Training cheques - Wallonia
- Sector fund
- Alimento
- Constructiv