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We found 185 results

Sabine Janssens

Sabine Janssens

Expertise: occupational safety
  • Expert
Sofie Van Ballaert

Sofie Van Ballaert

Expertise: psychosocial aspects
  • Expert
Benoît Brilot

Benoît Brilot

Expertise: safety at work
  • Expert
Jonas De Wachter

Jonas De Wachter

Expertise: ergonomics
  • Expert
Isabel Garcia Salgado

Isabel Garcia Salgado

Expertise: mental well-being
  • Expert
Tom Aerts

Tom Aerts

Expertise: environment
  • Expert
Soukaïna El Hamdaoui

Soukaïna El Hamdaoui

Expertise: psychosocial aspects
  • Expert
Working with electricity safely and knowledgeably: from training to certificate of competence

Working with electricity safely and knowledgeably: from training to certificate of competence

A certificate of competence lets you demonstrate as an employer that your employees are able to work with electricity safely and knowledgeably. A risk analysis and BA4 or BA5 training are required.
  • Inspiration
  • 2 minutes reading time
Make online learning more engaging with these four tips

Make online learning more engaging with these four tips

Online learning doesn’t have to be boring. Create a community, opt for interaction, offer user-friendly learning materials, and experiment with blended learning.
  • Inspiration
  • 2 minutes reading time
“We increase the impact so that knowledge is better retained”

“We increase the impact so that knowledge is better retained”

With Learn&Connect, Mensura presents a completely renewed approach to courses. What is so new about it and what does the future hold?
  • Inspiration
  • 2 minutes reading time
Gossip in the workplace? Here’s how to deal with it constructively!

Gossip in the workplace? Here’s how to deal with it constructively!

A gossip-free workplace may sound like music to your ears, but in reality, it’s often a utopia. Yet not all gossip culture has to be negative.
  • Inspiration
  • 3 minutes reading time
Mental well-being and teleworking: how can you encourage both?

Mental well-being and teleworking: how can you encourage both?

Hybrid working is the new norm. Some find it an improvement, others a difficult adjustment. How do you protect the well-being of your teleworkers?
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  • 1 minutes reading time
Mensura innovates prevention advisor training with European and Flemish support

Mensura innovates prevention advisor training with European and Flemish support

E-learning and virtual reality take a prominent role in training. By using a mix of teaching methods, students learn in the manner they want.
  • Inspiration
  • 2 minutes reading time
Teach construction workers about smart lifting and safe movement

Teach construction workers about smart lifting and safe movement

Ergonomic stress is one of the most common causes of absenteeism among construction workers. Protect your workers with these tips.
  • Inspiration
  • 2 minutes reading time
How do you break the workplace taboo surrounding trauma and grief?

How do you break the workplace taboo surrounding trauma and grief?

Prevention advisor Daisy Buttiens supports organisations, managers and their employees to make it easier to talk about traumatic events in the workplace.
  • Inspiration
  • 4 minutes reading time