Search results

We found 31 results for 'person of trust'

Person of trust - basic level

Person of trust - basic level

Provide support in case of conflict and psychosocial problems within your organization and receive your certificate.
  • Training:Mental well-being
  • €1,327.00 or 6.98 PU
  • In-depth
Refresher training person of trust - supervision

Refresher training person of trust - supervision

Act as a mediator for conflict within your organisation and receive your certificate.
  • Training:Mental well-being
  • €336.00 or 1.77 PU
  • Broadening
Combi emergency response (first aid) and fire safety

Combi emergency response (first aid) and fire safety

Learn the basics of first aid and firefighting with small extinguishers.
  • Training:Emergency assistance and first aid
  • €476.00 or 2.5 PU
  • In-depth
Psychological safety in practiceNew

Psychological safety in practice

Psychological safety in practice: the hidden foundation of team success
  • Training:Mental well-being
  • Price on request
  • Practical
Emergency response officer (first aid) - basic level with European certificate

Emergency response officer (first aid) - basic level with European certificate

Learn all about basic first aid and get your European certificate.
  • Training:Emergency assistance and first aid
  • €465.00 or 2.44 PU
  • In-depth
Emergency response (first aid) for designated persons

Emergency response (first aid) for designated persons

Learn the basics of first aid and receive your 'designated person' certificate.
  • Training:Emergency assistance and first aid
  • €130.00 or 0.68 PU
  • Practical
Isabel Garcia Salgado

Isabel Garcia Salgado

Expertise: mental well-being
  • Expert
Miet Leijssen

Miet Leijssen

Expertise: mental well-being
  • Expert
Sylvia De Nobele

Sylvia De Nobele

Expertise: mental well-being
  • Expert
Hanna Zawierucha

Hanna Zawierucha

Expertise: psychosocial aspects
  • Expert
Soukaïna El Hamdaoui

Soukaïna El Hamdaoui

Expertise: psychosocial aspects
  • Expert
Sigrid Coopmans

Sigrid Coopmans

Expertise : security
  • Expert
Sofie Van Ballaert

Sofie Van Ballaert

Expertise: psychosocial aspects
  • Expert