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We found 12 results

Performing small electrical work safely

Performing small electrical work safely

Learn to carry out minor electrical works safely via e-learning.
  • Training:Security
  • €87.00 or 0.46 PU
  • Initiating
First Aid Mental Health

First Aid Mental Health

Through the ‘First Aid Mental Health’ training, managers are taught techniques to recognise and support employees with mental health issues or to reintegrate them after a long absence.
  • Training:Mental well-being
  • €476.00 or 2.5 PU
  • Practical
Person of trust - basic level

Person of trust - basic level

Provide support in case of conflict and psychosocial problems within your organization and receive your certificate.
  • Training:Mental well-being
  • €1,327.00 or 6.98 PU
  • In-depth
Healthy and productive homeworking

Healthy and productive homeworking

Learn how to monitor your own productivity and mental and physical well-being when working from home.
  • Training:Hybrid working
  • Price on request
  • In-depth
Remote leadership

Remote leadership

The online “Remote Leadership” training teaches you how you can continue to support and motivate a team working from home.
  • Training:Hybrid working
  • Price on request
  • Practical
4 steps to an optimal homework policy

4 steps to an optimal homework policy

Learn how to implement a working from home policy that focuses on the well-being of those working from home.
  • Training:Hybrid working
  • Price on request
  • Practical
Fire safety – digital extinguishing

Fire safety – digital extinguishing

Learn how to act in the event of a fire and how to carry out an evacuation – for low-risk organisations
  • Training:Fire security
  • €168.00 or 0.88 PU
  • Practical
Emergency response officer (first aid) - basic level

Emergency response officer (first aid) - basic level

Learn the theory and practice of basic first aid, and claim your certificate.
  • Training:Emergency assistance and first aid
  • €286.00 or 1.5 PU
  • In-depth
Fire safety while teleworking

Fire safety while teleworking

Learn about fire safety while teleworking.
  • Training:Fire security
  • Price on request
  • Practical
Well-being in the workplace for supervisors and managers

Well-being in the workplace for supervisors and managers

This basic training course focuses not only on prevention, but also on communication and the importance of company culture.
  • Training:Security
  • Price on request
  • Practical
Ergonomics of computer work – with practical advice

Ergonomics of computer work – with practical advice

Learn how to set up your workspace ergonomically and adopt the right posture.
  • Training:Ergonomics
  • Price on request
  • In-depth
Ergonomics of computer work

Ergonomics of computer work

Learn how to set up your workspace ergonomically and adopt the right posture.
  • Training:Ergonomics
  • Price on request
  • Practical