What can you expect from the prevention advisor refresher courses?

As a prevention advisor, you watch over safety and well-being at work.
Basic training teaches you the tricks of the trade. But to keep up to date with the latest tools and laws, annual refresher courses are mandatory.
Lecturers Rudy Smedts and Mathieu Viseur explain how we approach that refresher training at Mensura Learn&Connect.

From collective exercise challenges to hyper-equipped offices to personal coaching for mental health issues, never before have organisations pulled out so much to keep employees healthy and happy at work. The advice of the prevention advisor is indispensable here. Annual refresher courses keep you up to date with the latest news and regularly refresh your theory.

Why is an annual refresher course for prevention advisors important?

Rudy: “As a prevention advisor, you help shape the well-being policy in the organisation. The basic training will help you get started on this. But legislation, tools, and trends around prevention and well-being at work are constantly changing.

So to ensure that the well-being policy in your organisation meets the latest legal and social requirements, annual refresher courses are crucial.”

For which prevention advisors are Mensura Learn&Connect refresher courses relevant?

Mathieu: “The participants are typically prevention advisors in D/C companies. And in very different sectors.
The most pressing questions or most important legislative changes then often vary for different participants.

Therefore, we organise training courses from a broad and multidisciplinary lens. During the refresher courses, groups can then indicate which issues they would like to zoom in on. Participants can also always contact the trainer for individual questions.”

What themes are covered?

Mathieu: “Every year, we sit down with experts from the field to discuss the latest changes and trends around prevention and well-being at work. Then we select the most important topics, which we cover in detail in the refresher courses.”

Rudy: “When we started refresher training courses for prevention advisors about 10 years ago, these were still mainly legal and technical topics. But well-being at work today goes much further beyond that. For instance, increasingly more organisations are investing in well-being initiatives that are not required by law. They are driven by the fact that this allows them to keep their employees happy and healthy at work. And that trend also translates into training.”

How are the refresher courses organised?

Rudy: “The refresher courses are either digital or classroom-based, and last one day in both cases, and are split into two parts. We cover the legislative framework in the morning. For example, participants learn to fill in a work post sheet using the online tool in the MyMensura customer area, and discover where to find important information and documents.

In the afternoon, an expert familiarises participants with the ins and outs of their trade. Each year, we choose one specific well-being domain to highlight. This allows participants to delve deeper into a different domain each time.”

What will the programme look like in 2023?

Mathieu: “This year, the refresher courses are exceptionally taught by one trainer, linking different well-being domains. Reintegration, absenteeism and, vitality are currently in the spotlight and are topics that organisations cannot avoid.

The refresher training courses provide a clear framework for this and link the three themes together.
For instance, employee vitality is a predictor of absenteeism rates in an organisation. And reintegration pathways in turn result from medium- or long-term absenteeism. So it’s not enough to commit to just one of the three pillars. You have to look at the full picture.”

Optimise well-being in your workplace

The prevention advisor refresher training course provides participants with the necessary tools to optimise the well-being policy in their organisation. Get inspired by experts from the field, while exchanging knowledge and experiences with fellow professionals. After completing the refresher course, you receive a certificate of in-service training.

Register for the prevention advisor refresher training course in Dutch or in French.