"The morning ritual that changed my life"

In the Connecting Thread series, our trainers share inspiring lightbulb moments or experiences. After reading the bestseller 'The Miracle Morning' by Hal Elrod, prevention adviser Mathieu Viseur settled on a new morning routine that changed his life.

Get up an hour earlier and get more out of your day" Mathieu Viseur
Who is Mathieu Viseur?

Mathieu is an engineer and prevention adviser specialising in occupational safety and risk prevention. Aside from working out, traveling and his family, he dedicates a significant share of his spare time to improv theatre. "Years ago, one of my friends had to drag me to a performance", Mathieu quips. "But I've been passionate about improv for 15 years now. Improvisation draws me out of my comfort zone and gets my imagination running wild. On top of that, it also gives me plenty of inspiration for my professional life."

The source of inspiration: 'The Miracle Morning' by Hal Elrod

Mathieu: "Ten years ago, I came across 'The Miracle Morning' almost by accident. This book by Hal Elrod was already a bestseller back then, and people were flocking to his message all over the world. In a nutshell, the book argues that getting up an hour earlier will change your life.

Even though I was a bit cynical at first, I decided to give it a go. There were so many things I never had the time for in the daily rush of work and family. Perhaps this morning routine could be the miracle solution after all?"

The practical bit: an hour-long workout every day

Mathieu: "I deliberately started setting my alarm an hour earlier to work out, go for a run, go for a walk or do some muscle-strengthening exercises. It was difficult to begin with, as I am by no means what you would call a morning person. 

Even so, I quickly got settled into my new routine. In fact, I simply couldn't do without my morning ritual today, as it has really changed my life. I've been doing it for ten years now, five times a week on average. At the weekends, I might skip an early start every now and then."

The impact: more energy and less time sick

Mathieu: "That extra hour I've gained is the perfect bit of me-time. I work out for thirty minutes to an hour every day, and I can genuinely feel the benefits, both physically and mentally. Not only do I start the day feeling fresher, more energetic and more focused, I also get sick less often than before. 

People often tell me they have no time to work out, practice their hobby or read a book. The tip I give them is always the same: read 'The Miracle Morning' and put it into practice. It will change your life."

Mathieu is passing the torch to… Monika Kaczorowska.

Discover Monika's takeaways from Digital First in the next 'Connecting Thread'.