Who am I?
I’m in my element when I can guide, test and motivate people and groups to achieve their sporting and health goals. A healthy mind in a healthy body is what I’m all about. That’s why I strongly believe that promoting both mental and physical wellbeing is crucial for achieving greater productivity and a better quality of life – both at work and in our everyday lives.
And in my spare time, I enjoy triathlon, endurance coaching and anything to do with the science of sport and exercise.
Keep moving, standing still is going backwards."
I focus on the pillars of social, mental and physical wellbeing, giving Extra additional goes to the physical aspect. Through my expertise as a coach – working with beginners right through to elite athletes – I take a science-based approach. Both the mental and social aspects receive equal attention, because they are interconnected.
Organisationally, I am quite accomplished, too. I was project manager of Ket2Sport, an event for 2000 primary school children at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, run in conjunction with Sport Vlaanderen and the Flemish Community Commission. At 185 Coaching Center, I coached and trained employees of Ipsos and Unizo.
Prevention specialist, ergonomics – Mensura
Since 2023
Coach for endurance sports – Tri 2 Endure Willebroek
Since 2022
Doctoral researcher (PhD) – VUB Brussels
2019 – 2023
Exercise physiologist – Brussels Laboratory for Exercise and Elite Sport
2019 – 2023
Teacher of physical education – PIT Hamme
2018 – 2019
Coach/Physiologist – 185 Coaching Center Wuustwezel
2017 – 2019
PhD in physical education and exercise science
Specific teacher training in physical education and exercise science
2018 – 2019
Master’s in physical education and exercise science
2013 – 2018
I have also completed courses for senior lifeguard, ski instructor and swimming instructor.
Get your employees to live healthier and sportier lives. It always pays off. I can confidently recommend all of the training courses on ergonomics provided by my colleagues at Mensura Learn&Connect.

Ergonomics of computer work – with practical advice
Learn how to set up your workspace ergonomically and adopt the right posture.

Ergonomics of computer work
Learn how to set up your workspace ergonomically and adopt the right posture.