
Q&A – As an employer, how do I share the psychosocial prevention adviser’s contact information?

Employees experiencing mental issues can contact the psychosocial prevention adviser. Therefore, the employer must share that person’s contact information with all employees. How do you do that correctly and efficiently?

In short

The labour regulations must include the contact information of the psychosocial prevention adviser or the external service where the prevention adviser works.
As an employer, you are also obliged to post that same contact information in an accessible place. 

Furthermore, you must clearly describe in the labour regulations the procedures an employee can follow to call on the services of the prevention adviser.

Here’s how to help employees find information on the psychosocial prevention adviser

In case of mental issues, employees must be able to easily find information on the psychosocial prevention adviser. Sharing the right contact information is an essential starting point. To keep a conversation low-threshold, it is also important that employees know the role of the prevention adviser.

Here are some practical tips:

  • Indicate the contact information for the external prevention service in the labour regulations, and post the contact information for the prevention adviser in an accessible and quiet place such as in the hall, above the photocopier, or in the restrooms. This allows employees to note down the data discreetly.

Tip: Do you include the prevention adviser’s contact information in the regulations? Then add it as an attachment. That way, you don’t have to change the entire document when the prevention adviser changes.

  • Include the most up-to-date contact information of the prevention adviser in the identification document, which employers are required to prepare.
    You can already download a handy template here.
  • Integrate the prevention adviser’s contact information into existing communication channels as much as possible. For example, you can share their contact info via the intranet, introduce the prevention adviser via the internal newsletter, and inform new employees about the role of the prevention adviser during the onboarding process. 
  • Hang up posters explaining what employees can contact the prevention adviser for, and how best to contact them. Some useful examples can be found in our digital client portal.
  • Organise information sessions in which the prevention adviser introduces themself and explains how they can help employees with psychosocial problems at work. 

What about the prevention adviser-occupational physician?

Stating the contact information of the prevention adviser-occupational doctor in the labour regulations is not required. However, you do need to post a contact sheet with their contact information.

Learn more about SEED-Connect

You will find the most up-to-date contact information of your psychosocial prevention adviser and prevention adviser-occupational physician on the SEED-Connect platform. You can also find that data via myhealth.be.

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