Is your organisation participating in scientific research on the impact of telework on health?
To help organisations optimally support the physical and mental health of employees when teleworking, Sciensano, UCLouvain and UGent are joining forces with Mensura and Cohezio. This way, organisations that get their employees to participate in the research survey can boost their telework and welfare policies.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the working environment for workers has changed significantly. In many organisations, teleworking or hybrid working gained a foothold. Teleworking has numerous organisational benefits, for example reduced commuting time. But there is a potential downside: teleworking can also have an impact on workers' health.
Recommendations for the employer
To help organisations optimally support the physical and mental health of employees when teleworking, Sciensano, UCLouvain and UGent are joining forces with Mensura and Cohezio. Based on longer-term joint research, they aim to arrive at concrete recommendations for employers.
The survey is done using anonymous questionnaires, which can be completed three times by employees over a period of about a year and a half. Specifically,
it concerns display screen workers who telework or choose not to telework.
The questions concern work organisation and physical and mental health
(e.g. complaints of pain, physical (in)activity, mental complaints, etc).
How do you participate?
Like the idea? If you answer 'yes' to the three questions below, we would like to invite you to ask your employees to participate.
- Does the nature of the work in your organisation allow for teleworking?
- Want to know more about what teleworking does to health?
- Would you, as a company, like to participate in a large-scale study on teleworking?
Yes, I would like to participate with my organisation
Next steps:
- Using the registration link, give us the name of a contact person within your organisation.
- Within 2 weeks, this contact person will receive an e-mail with
- information on who can participate in the study;
- and a printable poster for employees that includes a QR code to an initial summary questionnaire, which employees can use to register for the study;
- customisable proposal for internal communication.
- Afterwards, participating employees receive the questionnaire on their work situation and their physical and mental health. The survey will be sent out three times, six months apart each time. The results of this study are anonymous.
- Interim general results will be published on this website:
For more information about the study, contact the researchers at Sciensano ( or at Mensura (
Thanks in advance for participating in a healthy (tele)work environment!