Labour inspections 2024: how prepared are you?


The Labour Inspectorate for Occupational Welfare Monitoring organises inspections every year. These are conducted under the form of flash checks to inform companies and raise awareness about the importance of a well-being policy. 

During each visit, the inspector analyses the employer’s well-being policy, and checks how an organisation deals with each domain of the Welfare Act. Shortcomings or infringements will result in a verbal or written recommendation, a warning, or even the cessation of the activity.

In 2024, the government organises flash checks in specific sectors:

  • January: construction sector
    (including electrical engineering and metal)
  • March: removal sector
  • June: hospitality sector
  • September: green sectors
  • November: transport sector
    (including bus & truck)

Knowing how best to prepare for inspection ?

We'll get you started with some tips.