Get out of your chair and stretch your legs on 10 October
We spend an average of 6 hours and 39 minutes sitting each day. That translates into around 40% of our waking hours. All that sitting has an impact on our mental and physical health. That is why the professional association for ergonomics VerV and the Flemish Institute for Healthy Living ("Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven") are encouraging everyone to be more aware of sedentary behaviour in the workplace. So, to all the ‘sitters’ of the world: mark the 10th of October in your agenda! This is when the 10-10-10 campaign will get us out of our chairs for 10 minutes at 10 a.m.
The importance of dynamic working
The 10-10-10 campaign is an annual initiative of the professional association for ergonomics VerV and "Vlaams Instituut Gezond Leven".
The goal? To encourage employees to break up prolonged sitting and make them more aware of the negative health effects of sitting for long periods of time. These include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and back pain. It is no coincidence that this campaign is being launched in October, which is Global Ergonomics Month.

Working towards a daily routine
The 10-10-10 campaign shows how easy it is to integrate more exercise into a daily routine by promoting dynamic working, even for those with a desk job. By simply alternating between sitting and moving on a regular basis, you create a dynamic working style that helps improve the health and well-being of your employees.
Making a habit out of dynamic working optimises blood circulation and fat burning, improves energy levels and protects the body against health risks.
Some ideas:
- Make phone calls while walking.
- Walk over to colleagues instead of emailing them.
- Implement walking meetings. These are perfect for brainstorming because movement stimulates creativity.
- Opt for an active commute, such as biking or walking (part of the way), or go for a walk when working from home.
Want more tips on getting some exercise during the workday?
Read our blog From sitting to moving: 3 incentives for a healthy workday
Ready for dynamic working?
Mark 10 October in your agenda and encourage your colleagues to participate in the 10-10-10 campaign!
Want to prioritise ergonomics for your employees or do you have any questions?
Feel free to contact us through the form below.