Mandatory contributions payable to external services: how much will you be paying?

1. How much will you be paying per employee?

In the past, employers had to pay higher fees to the external department for workers at a higher risk for workplace injuries or illness (mainly labourers) than for those less at risk (mainly white-collar workers). You will be paying the same minimum amount for every employee, whether the employee is under health surveillance or not.

However, the minimum contribution may differ from company to company. 5 fee categories are being used. How much each organisation needs to pay will depend on the following criteria:

The table below lists the minimum contributions payable for each employee, based on the number of people employed by the company, and the company’s fee category.

Fee categoryEuro/employee
 1 to 5 employees

≥ 6 employees

1€ 45,92€ 53,68
2€ 66,62€ 78,26
3€ 82,79€ 97,67
4€ 104,78€ 123,54
5€ 122,89€ 144,88

Rates are applicable from 01/01/2025 up to and including 31/12/2025

For each employee, you pay the minimum contribution if the employee is registered through Dimona, for a full calendar year.

If an employee was not employed for a full calendar year, a pro-rata calculation of the employee contribution is made. If a medical examination, training, check-in tool, etc. happened during the period the employee was employed, the employee contribution is charged for the full year as specified in the legislation.

The latest detailed version of the fares can be consulted on MyMensura (in Dutch or French).

2. How does the system of prevention units work (only for category A/B/C+ companies)?

  • Category A companies: companies with an internal level 1 prevention advisor
  • Category B companies: companies with an internal level 2 prevention advisor
  • Category C+ companies: category C companies with an internal level 1 or 2 prevention advisor

A system of prevention units is introduced for companies with their own internal, fully-trained level 1 or 2 prevention advisor (category A, B or C+ companies). Your mandatory fee will be converted into prevention units.

These prevention units can then be used to acquire the services of an external department for prevention and protection in the workplace. However, certain weighting factors must be taken into account: whereas the services of a prevention advisor use up one prevention unit, the services of an occupational health physician will use up 1.25 prevention units for the same length of time, while the services of a nurse or assistant prevention advisor will use up 0.75 prevention units.

Prevention units are to be used primarily for ‘priority services’, such as:

  • health surveillance,
  • psychosocial guidance (stress, burnout, aggression and trauma).

Then, the prevention units can also be used for ‘recommended services’, such as:

  • ergonomics,
  • safety,
  • environmental care,
  • industrial hygiene and toxicology,
  • vitality.

Want to keep going with your current annual health surveillance programme? Then you will have less funds available to invest in more pressing health-related needs of your company, such as promoting the overall well-being of your workers in their current job positions, providing training, offering advice for a healthier lifestyle, etc. Discuss your options with your external department for prevention and protection to get the most out of the services available.

3. What are the basic services available to category C- and D companies in exchange for the mandatory fixed contribution?

  • Category C- companies: companies with fewer than 200 employees and an internal level 3 prevention advisor (basic level). If your company has fewer than 200 employees and an internal level 1 or 2 prevention advisor, then it is considered a category C+ company on a par with category A and B companies.
  • Category D companies: companies with fewer than 200 employees where the role of internal prevention advisor is performed by the employer.

Category C- and D companies without a level 1 or 2 prevention advisor can make use of a range of basic services provided by an external department for prevention and protection in exchange for the mandatory fixed contribution.

The basic package covers many different areas, such as:

  • active participation in risk assessments and the development of a policy plan,
  • health surveillance services,
  • assistance and counselling following serious occupational accidents,
  • spontaneous consults,
  • tasks related to psychosocial aspects: as soon as the requesting party consents to mediation, the external department will contact the employer to set up a meeting, and the services provided will be charged accordingly,

4. What if you require services other than the ones included in the basic package (category C- and D companies) or after the allocated number of prevention units has been used up (category A, B or C+ companies)?

For services other than those included in the basic package (C-/D) or after you have used up the allocated number of prevention units (A/B/C+), the external department will charge you separately in accordance with the fee schedule for additional services.

All companies

Medical exam / health surveillance
Other additional services:
   + occupational health physician and toxicologist
   + prevention advisor on risk management
  + prevention advisor on risk management specialisation
   + assistant prevention advisor

€ 100,29 / service provided
€ 185,95 / hour
€ 148,76 / hour
€ 185,95 / hour
€ 111,57 / hour

Rates are applicable from 01/01/2025 up to and including 31/12/2025

These are statutory minimum rates.

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